Ancient DNA provides new insights into the evolutionary history of New Zealand's extinct giant eagle

Bunce, Michael, Szulkin, Marta, Lerner, Heather R L, Barnes, Ian, Shapiro, Beth, Cooper, Alan and Holdaway, Richard N


Bunce, Michael, Szulkin, Marta, Lerner, Heather R L, Barnes, Ian, Shapiro, Beth, Cooper, Alan and Holdaway, Richard N (2005) Ancient DNA provides new insights into the evolutionary history of New Zealand's extinct giant eagle. PLoS Biology, 3 (1).

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Prior to human settlement 700 years ago New Zealand had no terrestrial mammals--apart from three species of bats--instead, approximately 250 avian species dominated the ecosystem. At the top of the food chain was the extinct Haast's eagle, Harpagornis moorei. H. moorei (10-15 kg; 2-3 m wingspan) was 30%-40% heavier than the largest extant eagle (the harpy eagle, Harpia harpyja), and hunted moa up to 15 times its weight. In a dramatic example of morphological plasticity and rapid size increase, we show that the H. moorei was very closely related to one of the world's smallest extant eagles, which is one-tenth its mass. This spectacular evolutionary change illustrates the potential speed of size alteration within lineages of vertebrates, especially in island ecosystems.

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This version's date is: 2005
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Item TypeJournal Article
TitleAncient DNA provides new insights into the evolutionary history of New Zealand's extinct giant eagle
AuthorsBunce, Michael
Szulkin, Marta
Lerner, Heather R L
Barnes, Ian
Shapiro, Beth
Cooper, Alan
Holdaway, Richard N
Uncontrolled KeywordsAnimals, Body Size, DNA, Eagles, Ecosystem, Evolution, Molecular, Fossils, Molecular Sequence Data, New Zealand, Paleontology
DepartmentsResearch Groups and Centres\Ecology Evolution and Behaviour
Faculty of Science\Biological Science



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