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Collection of motets in four or five parts by Clemens non Papa, with index at the back.
British Library K.2.b.11.(2.)
Laurent Guillo, Les editions musicales de la Renaissance Lyonnaise (Paris: Klincksieck, 1991), Index no. 33.
RISM A/I, C 2684
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All motets are in five parts, with the exception of ‘Domine clamaui’ and the final three motets which are for four voices. The two pages before the index contain blank printed staves.
Copy at K.2.b.11.(2.). Bassus part book only. Blank leaves before the title page and after the index have the ends of thin leather ribbons attached, suggesting that the book could originally have have been tied closed. Manuscript inscription in black ink inside cover of K.2.b.11.: "Constant Fl 1". Manuscript numbering in black ink throughout K.2.b.11 starts as folio numbering then switches to numbering each piece. Manuscript inscription in red ink on title page of K.2.b.11.(1.): "A. G. 1597. Bibliopolae 40 k. Bibliopego 20 k. Constant 1 Fl". Formerly owned by Adam Gumpelzhaimer.
Indexed terms
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Assumpsit Jesus. Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Confundantur omnes, voices (5) Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Domine clamavi. Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Domine quis habitabit. Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Erravi sicut ovis. Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Exaltabo te Domine. Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Fac mecum signum. Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Tribulationes civitatum. Clemens non Papa, Jacobus, ca. 1510-ca. 1555. Vide Domine quoniam tribulor. Arbilly, Jacques d’, printer. Gumpeltzhaimer, Adam, 1559-1625 former owner.
Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo (secunda pars: Nec fecit proximo suo malum) / Clemente non Papa -- Exaltabo te Domino quoniam suscepi stime (secunda pars: Ad te Domine clamabo) / Clemente non Papa -- Domine clamaui ad te (secunda pars: Vide humilitatem meam) / Clemente non Papa -- Confunda[n]tur omnes qui me persequu[n]tur / Clemente non Papa -- Fac mecum signu[m] in bonum (secunda pars: Illumina oculos meos) / Clemente non Papa -- Assumpsit Iesus Petrum & Iacobum (secunda pars: Ecce vox de nube dicens) / Clemente non Papa -- Erraui sicut ouis quae periit (secunda pars: Delicta iuuentutis mea) / Clemente non Papa -- Vide Domine quoniam tribulor (secunda pars: Quis dabit capiti meo aquam?) / Clemente non Papa -- Tribulationes ciuitatum audiuimus / Clemente non Papa.