McSweeney, Brendan



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This paper describes and critiques the partitioning of people into discrete groups whose social action is supposed to be determined by group-unique, shared, coherent, and enduring and subjective culture. Specifically, it argues that the claims that „civilizations‟, „nations‟, and various types of „ethnic‟ groups are each constituted by such culture rely on arguments and suppositions which are theoretically and empirically untenable.

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This version's date is: 23/06/2010
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Item TypeMonograph (Working Paper)
AuthorsMcSweeney, Brendan
Uncontrolled Keywordsculture, civilizations, national culture, multi-culturalism.



Deposited by Vanessa Law (UTYC555) on 23-Jun-2010 in Royal Holloway Research Online.Last modified on 04-Apr-2011





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