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Collection of motets and German sacred songs (i.e. translations of Italian songs into German).
British Library B.375.
RISM B/I, 158714
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Individual songs dedicated to Gräfin Dorothea von Mansfeldt (‘[Es ist kein ander etc.] Auff Erden kein Hülff zu finden’) and Frawen Elisabeth Gräfin of Schwarzburg (‘Inn der Höhe sey Gott Ehr’).
Sexta vox part book includes pieces 16-27, all of which are for four or more voices. ‘Veritas manga valet’ contains music for the DISCANTVS III and TENOR III. ‘In der Höhe sey Gott her’ contains music for ALTVS II. ‘Inn der Höhe sey Gott Her’ contains music for BASSVS for the primi chori.
The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians does not list this book as a source for the works by Ferretti and Vecchi.
Copy at B.375. Sexta vox part book only.
Indexed names
Baumann, Georg, fl. 1557-1618, printer. Ferretti, Giovanni, b. ca. 1540, composer. Gabrieli, Andrea, ca. 1533-1585, composer. Marenzio, Luca, 1553-1599, composer. Vecchi, Orazio, 1550-1605, composer.
Deo nostro perennis / Andrea Gabrieli -- Adeste liberalem Dei beni / Oratio Vecchi -- O Fax certa precunq[ue] / Giovan Ferreti -- [Unicuiq[ue]] Suam viro puellam / Andrea Gabrieli -- Frewet euch in de[m] Herre[n] / Oratio Vecchi -- [Es ist kein ander etc.] Auff Erden kein Hülff zu finden / Luca Marenzio -- Gott ist getrew / Andrea Gabrieli -- Also hat Gott der Herr / Oratio Vecchi -- Veritas manga valet / Giovan Ferretti -- In der Höhe sey Gott ehr / Luca Marenzio -- Inn der Höhe sey Gott Ehr.